Sangwan City, Ramghat Road , Aligarh 202001
7464900070, 7830500070


The experience has been very encourages. We strongly believe that only with strong family and culture values that our children can grow to become a complete personality. I am glad to share that we take care of strengthening all the four pillars for good education in a school. These are curriculum, faculty, methodology, and evaluation/ supervisory tools. We wish to achieve excellence in each of these areas of child development.

Realizing the important role technology play in our lives today, we have introduced school expert management system to manage analyses and use data for efficient decision making in the best interest of the student.

No education is worth if it does not prepare the children for life. It also fails the test if children do not develop sensitivity towards social needs and responsibilities. It is not supervising, therefore, that our students are constantly engaged in activities relating to environment protection, needs of the elderly, connecting across the boundaries and campaigning social evils.

I wish you a great experience in parenting, a healthy and cooperative relationship with the school and a very bright future for our student.